GREEN SECURITY – Security fencing using thorny native shrubs

Carbon sequestration – Reduce pollution – Enhance views – Restore wildlife habitat 

flying dragon butterfly

Thornscapes offers an environmentally friendly fencing alternative for the Houston area. We build security hedges using healthy, hardy thorny native plants. Our goal is to provide affordable, formidable, impenetrable barriers that beautify and accentuate homes and businesses while providing wildlife habitat and improving the environment.


To be good stewards of the land by improving the environment for future generations.

As an environmentally friendly fencing alternative, Thornscapes improves the environment for future generations.  We use thorny native trees and shrubs to form security hedges in place of or to supplement fencing. Once established, these thorny barriers continue to grow and strengthen with minimal maintenance, changing with each season.  Easier and cheaper to maintain than traditional fencing, they withstand storms and power outages.  And they enhance the land by improving the soils, ground water quality, air quality and provide visual and sound barriers.


Sheeps grazing on pasture in District Lake, England

Intruder proof native plant hedges form a living, breathing barrier.  They create habitats for a myriad of creatures, improving biodiversity. These greenbelts not only help to reintroduce local creatures but act as corridors for wildlife to traverse, improving biodiversity in adjacent areas as well.  Lush blooming hedges hide unsightly views, provide privacy and improve the neighbors’ perceptions of the site thus increasing property values. The rich textures and seasonal color of Thornscapes hedges promotes an emotional connection with wildlife and nature.