We all know plants have roots. Roots do three things for the plant – hold it to the soil, absorb water and minerals to feed the plant, and store food for the plant.

There are two different types of roots. A fibrous root system forms a dense network of roots just under the soil. A taproot system has a main root that grows down deep into the ground. Thornscapes uses plants that have both types of roots.

A plant that had a taproot sends down a large and long root straight down deep into the soil allowing them to find water and nutrients. Taproots on some plants can grow as long as 50′ or more. The plant will also have a smaller side roots that collect water and nutrients from the surface.

Plants with taproots tend to be very resilient, drought tolerant and can survive desert conditions. The taproots store food for the plant helping the plant to survive extreme weather conditions. The taproot forms a very strong anchor for the plant in the ground, making them resistant to being blown over in heavy winds.

Plants with taproots can help to improve our surrounding environment. The long root reduces flooding runoff conditions by directing the rain water downward. Water seeping through the earth naturally filters impurities. Ground water reserves are replenished with the cleaner filtered water. And plants with taproots tend to be nitrogen fixing plants that improve soil quality.

Because taproots grow so deeply into the soil, the plants can be very hard to dig up and move. For this reason, Thornscapes recommends cool weather planting of younger plants that will quickly fill in to provide the desired security. Give us a call today to reserve your plants for the fall planting.